
Company duplicate lists

Company duplicate lists


When duplicate matching, the name is split up according to the spaces and line breaks and searched for these in the company master data using wildcards. For companies found in this way, the name is not checked, only the country, town and street. If the street in the found company does not contain the term "P.O. Box" in the checked company or vice versa, the company is considered to be the same so that a manual check can be carried out.

In addition, the sales tax identification number is also checked.

The check is carried out in the input mask before saving if the automatic check at save is set in the options.

Examples of duplicates:

Why is this a duplicate? Name Country Place Street/Postal Box
The name is similar, the town is the same and in one field "street" there is the word "post office box University sample EN Samples Zülpicherstr. 45
University of Model Central EN Samples PO box 41 09 24
The location of one address appears in the other address
The system knows the abbreviation "str." and thus recognises that it is the same street.
MUSTER electrical trade Ltd. EN Frankfurt am Main Hauptstrasse 19
Samples ELEKTROHANDEL LTD. EN Frankfurt Hauptstr. 19


Company duplicate matching

This window is used to compare the duplicate companies

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Clean up company duplicates

Calling up the duplicate cleansing app for companies

Field Description
: Companies Listing of the companies
: duplicates Listing of duplicates

button Description
back The window is closed.
: Clean up Calling up the duplicate cleansing app for companies

Related topics

Technical documentation

legalPersonDuplicatesList basic module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module

Operational business